TMD Self Examination Checklist
Do you have symptoms of tinnitus, such as buzzing, ringing, hissing or roaring in the ears?
Do you ever clench your jaw, either sleeping or waking?
Have you had braces in the past?
Do you experience sounds of clicking, grating or popping in your jaw joints when you move your jaw?
Do your ears feel stuffy, blocked or over-pressured?
When you wake up, does your jaw feel locked up or painful?
Do you feel fatigued quickly, or experience chronic fatigue?
Do you have a high amount of ear wax?
Do you experience faint or dizzy spells?
Do you experience unexplained nausea?
Are you missing any of your back teeth?
Have you ever required a large number of crowns or bridges?
Do your teeth leave imprints on the sides of your tongue?
At any point, have you been in neck traction, or worn a cervical collar?
Have you ever been dealt a blow to the head, chin or face?
Does it cause pain if you place your little finger into your ear with you mouth wide open, and then try to move your finger forward while closing your mouth?
If you open your jaw wide, does it deviate either right or left?
Do you have trouble inserting your first three fingers comfortably into your mouth vertically while your mouth is wide open?
Do prescription drugs not relieve your symptoms?
Are your symptoms triggered by chewing gum?
Do you put your tongue between your front teeth when you swallow?
Do you experience unexplained numbness in your fingers?
Do you hurt or feel sore in any of the following areas:
tongue, muscles involved in chewing, forehead, back of head, side of the neck, temples, behind the eyes, jaw joints, upper jaw, lower jaw, upper teeth or lower teeth
Is it difficult to chew?
Is it difficult to move your jaw from side to side or back and forth?
Do you grind your teeth in your sleep?
Do you ever wake up with a headache?
Have you ever been subjected to a whiplash injury?
Do you feel pain or soreness when pressing on the joints of your jaws or near them on the cheek?
From 0 - 10, 0 being no pain, and 10 being the worst pain this condition has ever caused you, what are you currently experiencing?
No Pain 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Worst Pain